You can download a cute Git Basics Cheat Sheet through this link GitKraken will automatically fetch the latest changes and merge them with your local repository. To pull changes from the remote repository, click the pull button. To push changes to your remote repository, click the push button. GitKraken will display a list of the branches you can merge, and you can select the one you want to merge. To merge two branches, select the branch you want to merge into and click the merge button.
#Gitkraken mac plus
You can also stage and unstage files by clicking the plus or minus icons next to each file. To commit changes, select the files you want to commit in the file tree, enter a commit message, and click the commit button. You can create a new branch by right-clicking on the commit you want to branch from and selecting "Create branch here." To switch between branches, simply click on the branch name in the graph view. GitKraken makes it easy to create and switch between branches. The right-hand side displays information about the selected commit, branch, or file. On the left-hand side, you'll find the file tree, which shows the files and directories in your repository. The main section is the graph view, which displays your repository's history graphically. GitKraken's interface is divided into several sections. Step 3: Familiarize yourself with the interface

GitKraken makes it easy to connect to remote repositories hosted on GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, and other services. Once you've installed GitKraken, open it up and connect to your Git repository by either cloning an existing repository or creating a new one.
#Gitkraken mac install
You can download GitKraken from their website and install it on your Windows, Mac, or Linux system. To use GitKraken, you'll first need to install it on your computer. Getting Started with GitKraken for GitHub Users We'll give you a brief lesson for GitKraken in this article to get you up and running with Git. GitKraken is a robust Git client with many features and functionalities. But, GitKraken offers a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) that makes working with Git simpler. The Git command line interface could intimidate a beginner to Git.